Equity demands that you have a cohesive strategy that supports the culturally and linguistically diverse learner within and across grade levels and throughout your systems. The choices you make must support equity, inclusion, rigorous standards, and strong instructional methods.

Equity demands that you have a cohesive strategy that supports the culturally and linguistically diverse learner within and across grade levels and throughout your systems. The choices you make must support equity, inclusion, rigorous standards, and strong instructional methods.



Our consultants’ unique backgrounds and expertise as educators, counselors, consultants, and authors provides a fresh perspective on 

  • Academic Equity 

  • Cultural Awareness, Knowledge, and Skills 

  • Culturally Appropriate Curriculum 

  • Linguistic Diversity 

  • Data Analysis with a Culturally Responsive Lens 

  • Mindset Shifting 



We deliver customized professional development in support of educational equity for 

  • School District Leaders 

  • School Leaders 

  • School Boards 

  • Site-Based Educators & Counselors 

  • Educational Services Organizations 

  • Educational Publishing Companies 

in support of leaders' educational equity, diversity, and inclusion initiatives. 

We provide leadership, faculty, staff, and community the training, guidance, and planning support for equity movements that resonate with all invested parties so we may support the learners we are all here to serve. 

Support for K-12 Educational Publishers 

  • Review pre-publication content through the lens of equity 

  • Provide feedback and support to assist your developers in creating content that is bias-free 

  • Develop editorial and sales teams' cultural competence through DEI professional learning 

  • Create supplemental content-specific supports for culturally and linguistically diverse learners 


  • Inspiring Keynotes

  • Customized Workshops  

    • in-person  

    • e-learning 

  • Data Analysis workshops with a Culturally Relevant Pedagogical Lens 

  • Self-directed e-learning 

Why Hire a Consultant?